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sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

                                           Anorexia vs. Bulimia

  Nowadays , there are two eating disorders that damage the health of many people.Furthermore,everyday a big percentage of people die for these physicologic diseases.There are anorexia and bulimia,for many people thay sre very common in our society and have an hard impact in teenagers.However,today there are a lot of treatments to go ahead.Almost everybody know that bulimia and anorexia have important similarities;nonetheless they have few differences.

  Anorexia and bulimia are similar being a consequence of low self-steem.In the last years,some researches about these diseases confirm that are a result of low self-steem.For example,teenagers in special girls are afraid of be "fat", so they usually avoid food or maybe put in practice diets.Furthermore,bad diets or avoid to eat produce an unbalance in the organism and cause illness.Indeed,both are similar in the percentage of damage that cause in teenagers.

BOth are physicological diseases and in many times have a fatal consequence.First,many people have bad
habits when thay eat and it has a big and fatal consequence.Is true that nowadays there are man y treatments to go ahead,but when the problem is advanced there is no solution.However,the help and love of family are a good solution in many cases becauses evrybidy together could reward the problem.

There are many similarities.However there are a little different in many aspects like syntomps.

The differences are the syntomps and signals od these diseases.For example in anorexia the person who is damaged avoid to eat everything  and little by little lose defenses ,energy and his or her life.On the other hand,Bulimia has syntomps like:when the damaged person eat a lot of food in special junk food then feel depression and vomit all that he or she eat.while anorexia makes the person feels fat, bulimia vomit all.When someone has anorexia have another color of skin ,a little yellow and orange.By the way, when someone has bulimia there are hurts in their fingers.Indeed,bulimia and anorexia are different.

In conclusion,both diseases could be similar but at the same time very different.iIN MY OPINION BOTH ARE DANGEROUS IF THERE IS NO HELP FROM RELATIVES AND A GOOD TREATMENT.

essay 2


Eating disorders on teenagers

  Every year, millions of people in Africa die for famine while in other countries people in special  teenagers avoid to eat to mantain an ideal weight.The majority of them suffer eating disorders and sometimes they use unhealthy ways that produce the death.However,it´s not a problem only for teenagers but also from their family and relatives that do not give love to teenagers.Nowadays,there could be a lot of causes .However,because of three important causes teenegaer get eating disorders and also there are at least two negative effects.

  The first and most important cause are the stereotypes of television,radio,magazines,internet and others.First,our society is very influenced by stereotypes.For example,tv always show us how a pretty and sexy girl should be (tall,thing,blond hair, blue or green eyes).In that way girls decide to loos like "television girls" and start using some methods to be like them.But where are the feelings?.According to Priscila Monson,"Not only girls are influenced by stereotypes but also boys that use some pills to have a muscular body."I agree with her because  stereotypes are changing the mind of everybody.Furthermore,these are dangerous for young people that are developping their life and personality.

  The second cause is because "lack" of love in some teenagers.According to last researches 95% of teenagers that have eating disorders have low self-steem and also do not have love from their family or relatives.Teengaers are in a hard step of their lives,so it is neccesary fot them to talk with someone and tell waht they feel.However,in some families there is no time to talk to each other,but there are friends to do it.Another factos is when teens suffer of #bullying" in their schools.For example,some guys usually disturb some girls or boys that are fat,so the affected girl or boy start to ve low self-steem and sometimes avoid aeting to be in "shape".

  There could be more causes of eating dosorders but the mentioned are the most important.On the othr hand,teenagers could have many terrible consequences.

  When teenagers have eating disorders they could have some consequences taht will damage their self in physical or physicologic aspects.First,a big percentage of young people get illness like anorexia or bulimia.Besides,young girls avoid to eat because they feel fat and their body loses anergy and proteins that are necessary for the develop of thei organism.Finally,50 % of  teenagers die for lack of nutrition .

  Indeed,eating disorders in teenagers are very dangerous because have negative and hard effects.The majority of teens have this problem but is necesary and important to control or have help.teenagers love yourself!!YOU ARE VALUABLE.

jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

First essay

FIRST ESSAY : Chronological order

                                                        How to take care of environment

  Do you really feel okay with the big percentage of pollution?.The pollution around the world has 99% of damage.However, no one tryes to change these problem.For example, there are:skin cancer for the hard sun irradiation , lung cancer that is produced for air contamination, damage for the eyes because the contaminated air hurts the retina.Nonetheless,for this seriously problem there are at least three efficient steps to overcome the pollution:recycle,save energy and water.

  First of all,a good and easy step is recylcing inorganic products.A good advise is that we should use both faces of a paper and then sell it to a company of recycle.Furthermore,the paper is not the only thing to recicly but also plastic bottles , plastic bags, batteries , cartons and others.Second,to make well this step is necessary to select the garbage in two ways:organic and inorganic.Indeed,recycle is the first step to take care of our environment.

  Second of all, the next step is saving energy to reduce pollution.In the recent years some investigators said, "Is necessary and important that people could walk or ride a bike instead of drive a car."I totally agree with this information because a car produces a lot of pollution in the air of our society.Furthermore,sometimes people forget to turn off the lights and it increases the loss of energy,so do not forget to do it an also electronic machines.In summary,there are some forms to save energy and reduce contamination.

 Last,the third step to ake care of our environment is saving water.First,the most common problem is when we do not close the faucet of the shower,in this case is excellent to close the faucet when we are soaping our body.Furthermore,doing this activitie we could save water (20 liters).Another form is using less chemical products cause the majority of them waste water , time and contaminate.To sum up, nowadays we have to follow this forms to save water for next generations

  In conclusion,we still have hope to save our planet.Basides,there are more steps or forms to do it.I think that if we follos these steps the human lieneration will have a quality of life.