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sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

essay 2


Eating disorders on teenagers

  Every year, millions of people in Africa die for famine while in other countries people in special  teenagers avoid to eat to mantain an ideal weight.The majority of them suffer eating disorders and sometimes they use unhealthy ways that produce the death.However,it´s not a problem only for teenagers but also from their family and relatives that do not give love to teenagers.Nowadays,there could be a lot of causes .However,because of three important causes teenegaer get eating disorders and also there are at least two negative effects.

  The first and most important cause are the stereotypes of television,radio,magazines,internet and others.First,our society is very influenced by stereotypes.For example,tv always show us how a pretty and sexy girl should be (tall,thing,blond hair, blue or green eyes).In that way girls decide to loos like "television girls" and start using some methods to be like them.But where are the feelings?.According to Priscila Monson,"Not only girls are influenced by stereotypes but also boys that use some pills to have a muscular body."I agree with her because  stereotypes are changing the mind of everybody.Furthermore,these are dangerous for young people that are developping their life and personality.

  The second cause is because "lack" of love in some teenagers.According to last researches 95% of teenagers that have eating disorders have low self-steem and also do not have love from their family or relatives.Teengaers are in a hard step of their lives,so it is neccesary fot them to talk with someone and tell waht they feel.However,in some families there is no time to talk to each other,but there are friends to do it.Another factos is when teens suffer of #bullying" in their schools.For example,some guys usually disturb some girls or boys that are fat,so the affected girl or boy start to ve low self-steem and sometimes avoid aeting to be in "shape".

  There could be more causes of eating dosorders but the mentioned are the most important.On the othr hand,teenagers could have many terrible consequences.

  When teenagers have eating disorders they could have some consequences taht will damage their self in physical or physicologic aspects.First,a big percentage of young people get illness like anorexia or bulimia.Besides,young girls avoid to eat because they feel fat and their body loses anergy and proteins that are necessary for the develop of thei organism.Finally,50 % of  teenagers die for lack of nutrition .

  Indeed,eating disorders in teenagers are very dangerous because have negative and hard effects.The majority of teens have this problem but is necesary and important to control or have help.teenagers love yourself!!YOU ARE VALUABLE.

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